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  • How will we meet?
    You will receive a Zoom link in advance of our scheduled time. You can join from your computer or phone.
  • Do I need to turn my camera on?
    Not at all! If you aren't comfortable being on camera, you are more than welcome to leave it off. We do ask that you have a working microphone, however, so we can more effectively communicate.
  • What if I don't want to meet via Zoom and only want written feedback?
    Absolutely! The price will remain the same, but the volume of written feedback will increase. You will then be able to send a reply with a round of questions, and we will do our best to answer all of your questions in a follow-up email exchange.
  • I have a disability and will require an accommodation.
    We welcome all writers of all abilities here. Please don't hesitate to reach out with your needed accommodation, and we will do everything we can to provide you the best workshopping experience possible.
  • Can you help me with my schoolwork?
    Writers would do well to ensure that they are interpreting all assignment parameters correctly. We consider the workshopping process to be collaborative in nature, so if you have schoolwork or a school policy that forbids collaboration, we will be unable to assist.
  • Do you offer discounts or free workshops?
    We can consider need-based workshopping in certain circumstances. Please send us an email with an explanation and we will give it careful consideration.
  • Do you have a standard format?
    Our only requirement is that it needs to be a .docx. We understand that the creative process sometimes calls for fonts of different sizes or shapes. Please note that, unless instructed otherwise, we will format the work on our end into Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced, and that is how it will come back to you. We use Word for proofreading, note-keeping, and all manner of tomfoolery.
  • Can I create a custom package?
    Absolutely. Send us an email with all the relevant information and what you're looking for from us, and we will respond with a quote.
  • Will you keep my material?
    We will retain material for the 7 day return period post-workshop, and then it will be purged from our system. In the event that you have purchased multiple workshops, with your express permission, we will retain material until 7days after your final workshop.
  • Will you distribute or use my material anywhere?
    Absolutely not. We will never discuss your work with anyone else, send it to anyone that you have not expressly given us permission to send it to, or use it for any purpose other than to provide you feedback. You retain all rights to all material, and Amber Waters Collective seeks no ownership.
  • Do I need to use my real name?
    Nope! You are free to communicate with us using any name you wish. We are happy to accommodate pen names, pseudonyms, initials, etc. Additionally, please specify your pronouns! We are committed to communicating with all clients professionally and with care.
  • Will you sell my information?
    Never. You can opt into the email list to learn about future events and discounts, but we will never sell your information or send you spam.
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